Stefan Bechtold: Selected presentations
- Keynote, Conference of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues (SERCI), University of Hong Kong, July 7 & 8, 2025, Hong Kong, China
- Presentation, TBA, Conference on the European patent system, Bucerius Law School, July 1, 2025, Hamburg, Germany
- Presentation, AI Regulation: Competition, Arbitrage & Regulatory Capture, Network for Artificial Intelligence & Law, University of Hamburg, June 30, 2025, Hamburg, Germany
- Presentation, Faculty Workshop, University of Pennsylvania Law School, April 15, 2025, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Presentation, Privacy, Contracts & Compliance, Conference on Regulation and Contract Law, University of Zurich, December 6, 2024, Zurich, Switzerland
- Comment on "Perception Pending: What Do Patents Signal to Consumers?" by Alexander Billy & Neel Sukathme, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, November 9, 11, 2024, Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Presentation, The Court Speaks, But Who Listens? Automated Compliance Review of the GDPR, Faculty Workshop, Duke Law School, November 6, 2024, Durham, NC, USA
- Presentation, Automating Abercrombie: Machine-Learning Trademark Distinctiveness, Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, UC Berkeley, August 8, 2024, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Presentation, Automating Abercrombie: Machine-Learning Trademark Distinctiveness, American Law & Economics Association Conference, University of Michigan, May 18, 2024, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- Panel Discussion, Privacy, Property Rights and the Diffusion of AI, Antitrust & Competition Conference, Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State, University of Chicago, April 18 & 19, 2024, Chicago, IL, USA
- Presentation, The Court Speaks, But Who Listens? Automated Compliance Review of the GDPR, Conference on Empirical, Behavioral, and Experimental Analyses of Law, Notre Dame London Gateway, March 8, 2024, London, UK (with Amit Zac)
- Presentation, external page ChatGPT & Co.: Wem gehört was? [ChatGPT & Co.: Who Owns What?], ETH Treffpunkt Science City, November 26, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation, The Court Speaks, But Who Listens? Automated Compliance Review of the GDPR, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, University of Chicago, October 14, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA
- Presentation, Automating Abercrombie: Machine-Learning Trademark Distinctiveness, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, University of Chicago, October 13, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA (with Elliott Ash)
- Comment on "Machines That Think Like Lawyers: Issues, Methodology, and Evidence from Privacy Policies" by Florencia Marotta-Wurgler & David Stein, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, University of Chicago, October 14, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA
- Comment on "Investigating Nudges toward Related Sellers on E-commerce Marketplaces: A Case Study on Amazon" by Krishna Gummadi et al., JITE Conference on Machine Learning and the Law, June 9, 2023, Segovia, Spain
- Presentation, Explaining Explainable AI, CS+Law Workshop, March 17, 2023 (online)
- Presentation, The Promise of GDPR? An Empirical Evaluation (with David Stein & Florencia Marotta-Wurgler), NYU-ETH Conference on "Mapping the Online World", New York University School of Law, November 18, 2022, New York, NY, USA
- Discussant on "Regulatory Spillovers: The Case of GDPR" by Florencia Marotta-Wurgler & Kevin Davis, Conference on Emipirical Legal Studies, November 5, 2022, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, VA, USA
- Presentation, On the Expressive Function of Open Source, Technis Seminar, October 25, 2022, University of Crete, Greece (online)
- Presentation, Intellectual Property and the Manufacture of Aura, European Policy for Intellectual Property, University of Cambridge, September 15, 2002, Cambridge, UK (online)
- Presentation, Intellectual Property and the Manufacture of Aura, Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, Stanford Law School, Stanford University, August 12, 2022, Stanford, CA, USA
- Presentation, Intellectual Property and the Manufacture of Aura, Seventh Copyright Scholarship Roundtable, Columbia Law School, Columbia University, June 22, 2022, New York City, NY, USA
- Discussant on "The Emergence of Platform Regulation in the UK: An Empirical-Legal Study" by Martin Kretschmer, Ula Furgal & Philip Schlesinger, Munich Summer Institute, June 10, 2022, Munich, Germany (online)
- Presentation, Moral Rights and Incentives: A Field Experiment, Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy, New York University School of Law, May 5, 2022, New York City, NY, USA
- Presentation, Algorithmic Explanations in the Field, New York University School of Law Institute for Information Law & Privacy Research Group Fellows Meeting, April 27, 2022, New York City, NY, USA
- Presentation, Regulatory Spillovers and Data Governance: Evidence from the GDPR, SAFE-LawFin Policy Workshop, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research & University of Frankfurt, December 7, 2021, Frankfurt, Germany (online)
- Presentation, Intellectual Property and the Manufacture of Aura (with Christopher Sprigman), New York University School of Law Faculty Workshop, November 15, 2021, New York City, NY, USA (online)
- Presentation, Digitalisierung in Deutschland: Erkenntnisse aus der Corona-Krise [Digitalization in Germany: Lessons from the Corona Crisis], Conference on "Rethinking the State Digitally", Swiss Association for Administrative Science, November 11, 2021, Berne (Switzerland)
- Keynote, Regulating AI, 2nd AI Policy Conference, RegHorizon & ETH Zurich, September 14, 2021 (online)
- Discussant on "How Innovating Firms Manage Knowledge Leakage" by Hyo Kang & Wyatt Lee, Munich Summer Institute, June 9, 2021, Munich, Germany (online)
- Keynote, Interdisciplinary Research in Intellectual Property: What Can Law & Economics Add to the Debate?, EIPIN Conference "Vision(s) for IP in Europe: The Role of Research", May 31, 2021, Strasbourg, France (online)
- Presentation, European Privacy Law and Global Markets for Data, Boston University School of Law, Law & Economics Workshop, February 9, 2021, Boston, MA, USA (online)
- Presentation, Intrinsic Adhere to Law: Physical versus Intellectual Property, American Law & Economics Conference, November 6 & 7, 2020, Chicago, IL, USA (cancelled due to Covid-19)
- Presentation, European Privacy Law and Global Markets for Data, University of Illinois College of Law Faculty Workshop, October 29, 2020, Champaign, IL, USA (online)
- Presentation, European Privacy Law and Global Markets for Data, Tilburg Law and Economics Centre Seminar, Tilburg University, October 28, 2020, Tilburg, The Netherlands (online)
- Presentation, European Privacy Law and Global Markets for Data, NBER Summer Institute on IT and Digitization, July 17, 2020, Cambridge, MA, USA (with Christian Peukert; online)
- Presentation, European Privacy Law and Global Markets for Data, Mannheim Competition Policy Forum, University of Mannheim, May 28, 2020, Mannheim, Germany (online)
- Presentation, European Privacy Law and Global Markets for Data, Working Group Competition & Regulation, University of Würzburg, January 21, 2020, Würzburg, Germany
- Presentation, Intrinsic Adhere to Law: Physical versus Intellectual Property, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies 2019, Claremont College, November 17, 2019, Claremont, CA, USA
- Discussant on "A Network Theory of Patentability" by Laura Pedraza-Fariña & Ryan Whalen, Conference on Data Science & Law, ETH Zurich, June 7, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation, Moral Rights and Incentives: A Field Experiment, Roundtable on Empirical Methods in Intellectual Property, April 12 & 13, 2019, U.S. Patents & Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA, USA
- Presentation, Intrinsic Adherence Law: Physical versus Intellectual Property, Law & Economics Workshop, University of Chicago Law School, March 5, 2019, Chicago, IL, USA
- Presentation, Forum Shopping Abroad, Business Law Workshop, University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, February 27, 2019, Oxford, UK
- Presentation, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, and Super-Property, ETH Risk Center Dialogue Event on Deciphering Blockchain: Applications, Impact and Risks, ETH Zurich, February 1, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation, Forum Shopping Abroad (with Jens Frankenreiter), Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, University of Michigan Law School, November 9 & 10, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- Presentation, Injunction and Balance of Interests, Zurich IP Retreat 2018, November 2, 2018, Zurich, Switzerland
- Roundtable Discussion on IP Strategies in Dynamic Industries (with Oliver Beige, Stuart Graham, Dietmar Harhoff & David Kappos), EPIP 2018 Conference, September 6, 2018, Berlin, Germany
- Presentation, Moral Rights and Incentives: A Field Experiment, Experimental Methods in Legal Scholarship Workshop, Columbia University, March 10, 2018, New York, NY, USA
- Presentation, Property without Law: Personalized Property Rights Through New Contracting Technologies (together with Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci), Workshop on Blockchain, Law & Policy, ETH Zurich & University of Amsterdam, February 12, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Presentation: Moral Rights: Two Field Experiments (together with Christoph Engel), Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, October 30, 2017, Bonn, Germany
- Keynote, Cyberspace, Bordersm and Intellectual Property, European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference (EPIP 2017), September 6, 2017, Bordeaux, France
- Presentation, Deconstructing Copyright, European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference (EPIP 2017), September 5, 2017, Bordeaux, France
- Presentation, The Price of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment, Comparative Law & Economics Forum, ETH Zurich, June 10, 2017, Zurich, Switzerland
- Commentator on Barton Beebe & Jeanne C. Fromer, Are We Running Out of Trademarks?, Munich Summer Institute 2017, May 31, 2017, Munich, Germany
- Presentation, Furniture Design Protection and Innovation: EU vs. US (together with Christopher Sprigman), Design2 Conference, New York University School of Law & ETH Zurich, May 11, 2017, New York, NY, USA
- Panel discussion, Internet and Trust (together with Jovan Kurbalija, Adrian Perrig, Timothy Roscoe, and Brian Trammell), May 9, 2017, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation, 3D Printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, March 23, 2017, Berne, Switzerland
- Presentation, The Price of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment, Law & Economics Workshop, University of Michigan Law School, March 16, 2017, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- Presentation, Regulating Infrastructure Innovation, ETH/NUS Colloquium on Law and Banking, January 13, 2017, National University Singapore
- Presentation, Regulating Financial Infrastructure Innovation, January 12, 2017, Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Presentation, The Price of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, Duke University, November 19, 2016, Durham, NC, USA
- Presentation, 3D Printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation Policy, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, November 14, 2016, Berne, Switzerland
- Presentation, The Price of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment, Experimental Methods in Legal Scholarship Workshop, University of California at Los Angeles, November 4, 2016, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Presentation, Deconstructing Copyright, Symposium on "Recontructing Rights: Rethinking Copyright's Economic Rights in a Time of Highly Dynamic Technological and Economic Change", University of Amsterdam, September 26, 2016, Microsoft Center, Brussels, Belgium
- Presentation, The Price of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment, Hamburg Lectures on Law & Economics, University of Hamburg, January 13, 2016, Hamburg, Germany
- Presentation, The Price of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment, LawEcon Workshop, University of Bonn, January 12, 2016, Bonn, Germany
- Presentation, Urheber- und Medienrecht im digitalen Zeitalter [Copyright and Trademark Law in the Digital Age], Schweizerischer Juristentag 2015, September 11, 2015, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Presentation, Deconstructing Copyright(s), 10th European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference, University of Glasgow, September 3, 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Presentation, Forum Selling in Germany: Supply-Side Effects in Patent Forum Shopping, 10th European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference, University of Glasgow, September 3, 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom (with Jens Frankenreiter)
- Presentation, On The Shoulders of Giants or The Road Less Traveled?: An Experimental Approach to Sequential Innovation in Intellectual Property, 10th European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference, University of Glasgow, September 2, 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Panel member, Innovation Roundtable, ETH/Toulouse Conference on Fostering Innovation, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, June 30, 2015, Toulouse, France
- Commentator on Robert Merges, Two Cheers for Absolute Liability: Questioning the Superiority of an Independent Invention Defense in Patent Law, ETH/Toulouse Conference on Fostering Innovation, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, June 29, 2015, Toulouse, France
- Discussion leader, session on overlapping IP rights, ETH/NYU Conference on "Design Protection → Design Innovation?", June 12, 2015, Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation, Shoulders of Giants or Road Less Traveled? An Experimental Approach to Sequential Innovation in Intellectual Property, Workshop on Experimental Methods in Legal Scholarship, University of California at Los Angeles School of Law, March 6 & 7, 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA (with Christopher Buccafusco & Christopher Sprigman)
- Commentator on Richard McAdams & Janice Nadler, The Power of Focal Points is Pervasive: An Experimental Study of Strategy Labels in Coordination Games, Workshop on Experimental Methods in Legal Scholarship, University of California at Los Angeles School of Law, March 6 & 7, 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Presentation, 3D Printing and the Intellectual Property System, World Intellectual Property Organization Workshop, February 5, 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
- Presentation, Policy Design for Future Internet Architectures, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law, January 14, 2015, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Presentation, The Causal Effects of Competition on Innovation: Experimental Evidence, 9th Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, University of California at Berkeley, November 7, 2014, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Panel member and commentator, Panel on "How Do Patents Affect Innovation?", Empirical Intellectual Property Research Conference, New York University School of Law, October 24, 2014, New York, NY, USA
- Presentation, The Causal Effects of Competition on Innovation: Experimental Evidence, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, October 1, 2014, Munich, Germany
- Lecture, Limitations on Trademark Protection: An Economic Perspective, Ingres-Workshop on Trademark Law, September 5, 2014, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland
- Presentation, The Causal Effects of Competition on Innovation: Experimental Evidence, 9th European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference, September 4, 2014, Brussels, Belgium
- Presentation, Forum Selling: Supply-Side Effects in Patent Forum Shopping, Perkins Coie, June 20, 2014, Palo Alto, CA, USA
- Presentation, Commons Under Threat? Innovation on a Dynamic Rare Disease, Medical User Innovation & Medical Knowledge Commons Workshop, New York University School of Law, May 16, 2014, New York, NY, USA
- Presentation, The Causal Effects of Competition on Innovation: Experimental Evidence, University of Pennsylvania Law School, April 23, 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Presentation, Forum Selling: Supply-Side Effects in Patent Forum Shopping, Engelberg Center on Innovation & Policy, New York University School of Law, April 11, 2014, New York, NY, USA
- Presentation, Trademarks, Triggers and Online Search, University of Cologne economics department, December 3, 2013, Cologne, Germany
- Presentation, Trademarks, Triggers and Online Search, 8th Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, University of Pennsylvania Law School, October 26, 2013, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Presentation, Implications of Fault Localization, Routing Path Control, and Domain Isolation: A Legal and Regulatory Perspective, Workshop on Securing Future Communication Networks against Emerging Threats, Zurich Information Security and Privacy Center, ETH Zurich, October 17, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation, Trademarks, Triggers and Online Search, Workshop on Empirical Studies of Trademark Data, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, September 27, 2013, Washington, D.C., USA
- Presentation, Policy Design for Future Internet Architectures, Law and Computer Conference, University of Pennsylvania Law School, June 24, 2013, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Presentation, Trademarks, Triggers and Online Search, 4th Annual Conference on Internet Search and Innovation, Northwestern University, June 20, 2013, Chicago, IL, USA
- Presentation, Trademarks, Triggers and Online Search, 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Law & Economics Association, May 17, 2013, Nashville, TN, USA
- Presentation, Diversity of Open Source Licenses and Cumulative Innovation, Strategic Management and Innovation Research Seminar, ETH Zurich, January 24, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland (with Thomas Maillart)
- Keynote, Overlapping IP Rights: The Rise of Functional and Empirical Perspectives, Conference "Searching for the Boundaries of Intellectual Property Law", Universities of Hong Kong & Beijing, December 15, 2012, Hong Kong, China
- Presentation, Trademarks, Triggers and Online Search, Applied Microeconomics Seminar, University of Zurich Department of Economics, December 13, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation, Trademarks, Triggers and Online Search, Workshop on Empirical Studies of Trademark Data, University of Oxford, December 7, 2012, Oxford, United Kingdom (with Catherine Tucker)
- Presentation, Trademark Applications and Oppositions after Arsenal, Opel and L'Oreal, Workshop on Empirical Studies of Trademark Data, University of Oxford, December 7, 2012, Oxford, United Kingdom (with Georg von Grävenitz)
- Presentation, Disentangling Reuse Practices and License Violations in Open Source Software, 7th European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference, September 28, 2012, Leuven, Belgium (with Thomas Maillart)
- Presentation, Play First versus Pay First: Exploring Cumulative Innovation in Patent & Copyright Law, Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, August 9, 2012, Stanford Law School, CA, USA
- Presentation, Creativity Tasks in the Lab, Panel on Behavioral Sciences in Intellectual Property, 31st Annual Congress of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), July 31, 2012, Chicago, IL, USA
- Commentator on Christine Jolls, Debiasing through Consumer Safety Law, 29th Seminar on the New Institutional Economics, June 7-8, 2012, Bruges, Belgium
- Lecture, Imitation, Intellectual Property and Secondary Markets, 13th Congress of the European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN), April 20, 2012, London, UK
- Presentation, Physicians as User Innovators, Book Conference "Intellectual Property At the Edge: The Contested Contours of IP", Columbia Law School, April 14, 2012, New York City, NY, USA
- Presentation, The Fashion of TV Show Formats, 14th Conference on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Europe Institute, University of Zurich, September 29, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation, Do Patents and Trade Secrets Foster or Harm Innovation? Experimental Evidence, Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, August 12, 2011, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, IL, USA
- Keynote presentation, The Fashion of TV Show Formats, Workshop on the Law & Economics of Media & Telecommunications, June 20, 2011, Tilburg Law & Economics Center, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
- Presentation, The Fashion of TV Show Formats, University College London, March 4, 2011, London, UK
- Lecture, Behavioral Law & Economics of Intellectual Property, February 8, 2011, Université de Strasbourg, France
- Lecture, Google Book Search: Optional Law and Private Lawmaking in Copyright Law, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, September 29, 2010, Berne, Switzerland
- Presentation, The Fashion of TV Show Formats, Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, University of California at Berkeley School of Law, August 12, 2010, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Presentation, The Fashion of TV Show Formats, Law & Technology Colloquium, University of Haifa School of Law, June 10, 2010, Haifa, Israel
- Lecture, Google Book Search: Optional Law, Private Lawmaking and Promoting Innovation through Copyright Law, University of Bayreuth School of Law, January 13, 2010, Bayreuth, Germany
- Lecture, European Copyright Law Between Private Lawmaking and Public Regulation: Google Book Search, Orphan Works and Optional Law, University of Bonn School of Law, November 30, 2009, Bonn, Germany
- Lecture, Modern Competition Theories in European Intellectual Property Law, Hungarian Association of Competition Law / Hungarian Competition Authority, November 2, 2009, Budapest, Hungary
- Lecture, Controlling Secondary Markets by Trademark Law, Trademark Law Conference of the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, October 9, 2009, Berlin, Germany
- Lecture, Optional Law and Private Lawmaking in Copyright Law, Annual Meeting of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR), September 25, 2009, Nuremberg, Germany
- Discussant on "Intellectual Property Law and the Sumptuary Code" by Barton Beebe, Workshop on Trademarks and Trademark Data, July 17, 2009, OECD, Paris, France
- Lecture, Regulating IT Security at the Intersection of Law, Economics, and Psychology, July 14, 2009, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- Lecture, Law and Economics Research of IP: A Lawyer's Perspective, June 29, 2009, Inno-tec Institute, University of Munich School of Management, Germany
- Lecture, The "More Economic Approach" in Intellectual Property Law, June 19, 2009, Seminar on 50 years of Antitrust Legislation in Germany and Europe, University of Tübingen Law School, Germany
- Presentation, TV Show Formats: A Global Licensing Market Outside IP?, May 18, 2009, Workshop on Impacts of Open and User Innovation on Intellectual Property Law, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Lecture, Regulating IT Security at the Intersection of Law, Economics, and Psychology, May 6, 2009, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Lecture, Controlling Secondary Markets: Economic Aspects, March 14, 2009, Colloquium Competition and Innovation, University of Tübingen Law School, Germany
- Lecture, Behavioral Law and Economics of Intellectual Property Law, February 25, 2009, University of St. Gallen Law School, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Lecture, Determinants of IP Compliance, January 23, 2009, Enforcement Framework and Civil Enforcement Symposium, European Intellectual Property Institutes Network, Gerzensee, Switzerland
- Lecture, Current Developments in European Copyright Law, January 21, 2009, Ingres Workshop on European Intellectual Property Law, Zurich, Switzerland
- Lecture, Web 2.0 and Intellectual Property Law, December 12, 2008, Web 2.0 Workshop, Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany
- Panelist & moderator, panel on Interdisciplinary Research in Platform Security, Workshop on Interdisciplinary Studies in Security and Privacy, September 26, 2008, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, New York, NY, USA
- Panelist, The Future of Regulating Cyberspace, June 14, 2008, Transatlantic Information Law Symposium, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, USA
- Lecture, Property vs. Contract to Govern Online Behavior under European Law, June 14, 2008, Transatlantic Information Law Symposium, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, USA
- Presentation, An Economic Analysis of Trade Secret Protection in Buyer-Seller Relationships, July 6, 2007, Law and Economics Colloquium, University of Bonn (together with Felix Höffler)
- Presentation, Law and Economics Analysis of Intellectual Property Law, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition, and Tax Law, Munich, June 14, 2007
- Presentation, Controlling Secondary Markets – From Planing Machines to T-GURTS, March 12, 2007, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, USA
- Lecture, Platforms and Interoperability, March 10, 2007, conference “Copyright, Digital Rights Management Technology, and Consumer Protection“, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, University of California at Berkeley School of Law, CA, USA
- Lecture, Trusted Computing and Public Policy, January 15, 2007, expert meeting, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
- Lecture, In Search of a Search Policy, December 21, 2006, workshop "Searching for the Law of Search Engines", Haifa Center for Law & Technology, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa, Israel
- Keynote, The Present and Future of Digital Rights Management, December 15, 2006, 2nd Axmedis Conference 2006, Leeds, UK
- Lectures, Legal Aspects of Technical Content Protection/IP Standards, December 2 & 3, 2006, 8th Congress of the European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN), Munich, Germany
- Lecture, Legal Aspects of Trusted Computing, October 19, 2006, conference “The World of Trusted Computing”, organized – among others – by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Berlin, Germany
- Presentation, Intellectual Property and the Control of Complementary Markets, March 13, 2006, Conference of the German Economic Association, Göttingen, Germany
- Lecture, Trusted Computing between Closed and Open Architectures, March 7, 2006, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Lecture, Future Research on Trust and Confidence, January 24, 2006, expert meeting, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
- Lecture, In Search for a Search Law, December 3, 2005, "Regulating Search" Symposium, Information Society Project, Yale Law School, CT, USA
- Presentation, On Peer-to-Peer and Product Design, September 23, 2005, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Lecture, Trusted Computing from a Legal and Policy Perspective, September 5, 2005, Computer Science Department, University of Bochum, Germany
- Presentation, Decentralization and Coherence in the Regulatory Network in European Telecommunications Law, July 21, 2005, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany, together with Jörn Lüdemann
- Lecture, Anti-circumvention Regulations in Europe, July 8, 2005, Intellectual Property Summer Program by George Washington University Law School, Munich, Germany
- Presentation, Digital Rights Management in the United States and Europe, March 31, 2005, Law, Science & Technology Colloquium, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, USA
- Presentation, Trusted Computing: Whom do We trust?, March 28, 2005, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, USA
- Lecture, Legal Problems of Trusted Computing, January 14, 2005, 3rd Digital Rights Management Conference, Berlin, Germany
- Panelist, Future Research on the Security of Digital Assets, December 2, 2004, expert meeting "Security of Digital Assets", European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
- Presentation, Copyright Law and the Information Society, November 14, 2003, Conference "Balancing Interests in Copyright Law", organized by the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Berlin, Germany
- Presentation, Reconciling Digital Rights Management With Copyright Limitations, July 4, 2003, Symposium "Copyright and the Music Industry: Digital Dilemmas", organized by the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, and Buma-Stemra, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Lecture, Copyright-Related Risks of Trusted Computing, July 3, 2003, Symposium "Trusted Computing Group (TCG)", German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor, Berlin, Germany
- Lecture, Digital Rights Management – Destruction or Protection of the Commons?, June 28, 2003, Symposium "Discovering E-commons for Digital Information: Contradiction or Confusion?", organized by the Korean Association for Infomedia Law, Seoul, Korea
- Presentation, Governance in Namespaces, February 27, 2003, Law, Science & Technology Colloquium, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, USA
- Presentation, Digital Rights Management in Europe and the U.S., February 27, 2003, Stanford Law School, guest speaker in the seminar "Property and Contract Go High-Tech" by Professor Margaret J. Radin, Stanford, CA, USA
- Presentation, The Present and Future of Digital Rights Management, February 24, 2003, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, USA
- Presentation, Governance in Namespaces, September 30, 2002, 30th TPRC Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, Alexandria, VA, USA
- Lecture, Digital Rights Management – New IP Rights or New Technology Morass?, May 8, 2002, Tomlinson Zisko Morosoli & Maser, Palo Alto, CA, USA
- Presentation, Fair Use By Design or By Law?, April 16, 2002, Workshop "Fair Use By Design?", 12th Computer, Freedom, Privacy Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Presentation, Regulation of Namespaces, April 8, 2002, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA, USA
- Lecture, DRM Standardization and DRM Regulation, January 29, 2002, 2nd Digital Rights Management Conference 2002, Berlin, Germany
- Presentation, The Tension Between Private Regulation and Public Ordering in Internet Law, November 10, 2001, Symposium Prof. Mestmäcker, Monastery Wienhausen, Germany
- Presentation, From Copyright to Information Law – Implications of Digital Rights Management, November 5, 2001, Eighth ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS-8), Workshop on Security and Privacy in Digital Rights Management 2001, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Lecture, Anti-Circumvention Laws in Europe – Recent Developments, May 23, 2000, Intertrust, Santa Clara, CA, USA
- Presentation, Copyright Law and Electronic Commerce – Legal Implications of Electronic Copyright Management Systems (ECMS), March 4, 2000, Symposium Prof. Mestmäcker, University of Tübingen, Germany